
He has just started playing paddle tennis


Limited experience. Keep trying to keep the balls in play



RIGHT: Incomplete swing, lack of directional control, slow ball speed.

BACKHAND: Avoid the backhand, erratic hitting, grip problems, incomplete gesture

SERVICE/REST: Incomplete gesture, habitually commits double faults, inconsistent ball bounce, return with many problems

VOLLEY: Avoid going up to the net, avoid backhand volleys, poor foot positioning

BOUNCES: Fails to return any rebounds.

PLAYSTYLE: Familiar with basic positions, though frequently positions incorrectly



RIGHT: Developing, moderate ball speed.

BACKHAND: Preparation and grip problems, often prefers forehand to backhand

SERVE/RETURN: Attempt to complete gesture, slow serve ball speed, inconsistent ball bounce, slow serve returns.

VOLLEY: Uncomfortable at net especially on backhand, frequently uses drive face on backhand volleys.

REBOUNDS: You try to position yourself for rebounds although you only hit the ball occasionally

SPECIAL HITS: Makes intentional lobs but with little control, impales the ball occasionally in high blows (smash)

PLAYSTYLE: Can rally with slow ball speed, weak coverage of court space, stays in early game position.



RIGHT: Relatively good consistency and moderate range of shots, good directional control, developing range of shots (slicing, flat, topspin)

BACKHAND: Frequently prepared to hit with relative consistency.

SERVICE/RETURN: Developing the service gesture, little consistency when trying to hit with power, second serve is considerably worse than the first. Subtract with relative consistency.

VOLLEY: Consistent forehand volley, inconsistent backhand volley, problems with balls at feet and open shots.

REBOUNDS: Positions correctly on slow blows, gets impaled. It does not move forward on strong balls.

SPECIAL HIT: Balloons moderately consistently.

GAME STYLE: Consistent with average ball speed, little consistency in positioning with his partner, sometimes one up and the other down, he goes up to the net when the game dictates but is weak in execution.


*Level C

RIGHT: Good consistency and moderate variety of shots, good directional control, developing range of shots (slicing, flat, topspin).

BACKHAND: I hit with directional control on some shots, difficulty returning strong or high balls, difficulty defending backhand.

SERVE/RETURN: Begins to serve with control and some power, developing slice serve, can return consistently with directional control with moderate ball speed.

VOLLEY: More aggressive in the net game, some skill in side shots, quite good foot positioning, has directional control on forehand volleys, control on backhand volleys, but with very low offensive power.

REBOUNDS: It is positioned correctly in forehand shots. He manages to defend consistently from the forehand and moderate ball speed. Defends backwards with difficulty the fast balls. Developing the wall descents.

SPECIAL HITTING: consisting of high shots, layups, second volleys and approach shots. Returns the most second services.

PLAY STYLE: Consistency and directional control with medium ball speeds, fairly consistent partner positioning (developing teamwork), looks for opportunities to win at net.


*Level C+ 

RIGHT: Reliable, hits with a lot of control, tries to hit with control on difficult defensive shots.

SETBACK: You can direct the ball with consistency and moderate ball speeds, developing variety of shots.

SERVICE/REST: Place first and second, power and frequent placement with the first, use cut balls in the service, reliable in the rest, subtract with depth and control.

VOLLEY: Depth and control on the forehand volley, directs the backhand volley, but lacks depth and aggressiveness. Developing low volleys.

BOUNCES: Consistently returns forehand rebounds, positions himself correctly on backhand rebounds. Consistent and powerful wall descent with the right, the other way around he usually plays the lob.

SPECIAL HITTING: Hits high with consistency, manages to volley aggressive shots, begins to define points with the volley and smash, seeks and directs the volley to the weak zone of the rivals, defends with lobs consistently. Begins to develop the tray.

GAME STYLE: Reliable and controlled hitting with medium-high ball speeds. Team play, loss of point in rallies due to lack of patience.


* Level B-

RIGHT: Very reliable, uses speed, control and variety of shots with depth. Offensive in most shots.

BACKS: Can control direction and depth but suffers defending difficult shots, can hit with relative power.

SERVE/REST: Serve with setting and control, with few double faults, uses power and sliced ??balls, seconds with good depth and setting, aggressive and controlled returns.

VOLLEY: Good foot positioning, can control rallies on volleys, has power, control and depth on forehand volleys, most common mistakes when hitting with power.

REBOUNDS: Good drop from the forehand wall, backhand gets depth and placement with medium ball speed.

SPECIAL HITS: Approach shots with control and depth, consistency in volleys and high shots. He gets definitive shots, he gets to get the ball out for 4 on some occasions, he gets volley droplets on occasions.

GAME STYLE: Hitting with relative power, good coverage on the court, starts to vary the game depending on the opponent, aggressive game on the net, good anticipation.


* Level B

RIGHT: I hit hard with control, depth and variety of shots, use the right to prepare the climb to the net. Consistent in deep globes.

BACKHANDS: Can use the backhand on aggressive shots with fairly good consistency, good control in direction and depth on most shots, Fairly consistent on deep lobs and defense.

SERVICE/REST: Place the service effectively and looking for the rival's weak point and win the net quickly, good variety of services, depth, placement in seconds to force weak returns, subtraction with control difficult services.

VOLLEY: Can hit most volleys with depth and power, plays difficult volleys with depth, seeking the opponent's weak point.

REBOUNDS: Good rebound defense, even with strong balls. achieve winner points with hard rebounds of Wall. Good wall drops both forehand and backhand.

SPECIAL HITS: Hits hard and with a high degree of effectiveness, good defensive and offensive lobs, hits high in any position on the court with control, plays layups with consistency, gets winning shots with strong smash. Achieve geting the ball in 3 ocasions.

GAME STYLE: Varies the game depending on the rival, solid teamwork, manages to read the game and finds the rival's weak point, is less mentally and physically consistent than the 5.5 player.


* Level B+

He plays reliable shots in compromising situations, he has developed a good anticipation, he reads the game with ease looking for the weak points of the rivals, the first and second serves are deep and placed shots, he has developed strength and consistency as his greatest weapon, he varies his strategy and the style of play in a compromising situations.


*Level A

These players do not need categories. They appear in championship rankings, the 6.0 has intensive training for regional and national tournaments, and has a national ranking. The 6.5 player has the potential to become a 7.0 player who plays national tournaments continuously. Player 7.0 is a professional paddle tennis player, he competes in open tournaments and his main source of income is tournament prizes and sponsors.